Thursday, May 15, 2014

I Have Been MIA, Again!

I was just thinking I had done a post for Pour Your Heart Out for a while. I started going through my blog and I just about died when I seen when my last post was, period!
My New Year's Resolution was to work on my blog, daily! And the last time I made a post since March on Princess Shaney's birthday! That is insane!
But let me tell you what I have been doing!

*I just started a photography class online, a couple of weeks ago. It has been a lot
  of fun and I have been learning a lot more, which is good because I just bought
  me a new $1400.00 camera!!! Yay!

*I have been spending so much time on my crochet and that has been so much fun! I
  can't believe that I made these!

                                    I made these cowboy (girl) boots for my
                                    nephew's new baby girl

I made this for this cutie for 
her 2nd birthday that is the 
end of this month.

I went from making hats, scarfs, and boots, to making this dress!! My next project
is a top for my niece & Princess Shaney that I found online and they both want one
really bad. When I get them finished, I will post pictures.

*Last Wednesday, The kids and I took a fast trip to Wichita, KS! It was a 2400    mile round trip, trip. That cute little girl (above) and her mom also went with us
 and she did really good. We left Sunday to come home, because I wanted to be  home on Monday, but we didn't get home until Tuesday night. It seemed like it  didn't matter what we did, something slowed us down. Severe storm warnings,    tornado warnings, winter storm warnings, road closures for accidents, officer  involved shootings. You name it, we had it. But we made it home and trying to 
 get back into a normal routine.
 The one bad thing, I took both cameras with me and I have maybe 20 pictures  from the whole trip and they were all from Denver when we were stuck in the
 canyon for 3 hours. So, they are all of the same thing (pretty much) just different 
 areas & shots. That really sucked. Guess you know who was doing all the  driving!

*Oh, one more thing, Princess Shaney hasn't seen her counselor in over a month!!
  Mostly because we have to keep rescheduling because we have had so many 
  things going on. But she has been doing awesome! I'll post more about that at a
  different time. Maybe when we go see in 2 weeks, he'll have her only start             coming in once a month!

Hope everyone has been having a good couple of months, because I actually have!

Til We Meet Again! Pam