Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I Chose to Live

For those of you who have followed some of my posts, you know that I have struggled a lot with depression, marriage issues, low self esteem, self pity, etc. I have talked about my struggles and that I am going to take back my life. I have talked about taking back my life for months and have not done a damn thing to take back control.

I don't have a clue what happened over the weekend. But something snapped and it is like my whole outlook just changed. I started cleaning, I mean deep cleaning. I was so sick of all the crap in this house. We live in King Hubs "family" home. So, there is stuff here that has been here I have no idea how many years. All of his brothers, sisters and nephew's crap at our house (inside & out). In the 10 years that I have been here, they have come and cleaned some of up. But there is still quite a bit.
So, things that have been in the house, I had King Hubs tell me what belonged to which person, boxed it up and put their name on the boxes and called them to come get it or I would get rid of it.
All my decorations that have been in card board boxes and put them in rubber maid containers and put them on the shelves where they go, instead of just leaving them in boxes on the floor.

I have started doing crafts (again) that I have found on Pinterest and have wanted to try. I guess saying "started doing crafts" is an understatement; on Monday, I had three different projects started! Yesterday, I started and finished a totally different one and I am still working on the other 3!

 I know things are going to take time and I am not going to get better over night. But this is a great start. It is amazing how much better you feel when you just get off you butt and start doing things. I haven't been able to go anywhere, because
Prince Kenard has been taking my car to school every day. I guess it is a good thing that the projects I have been doing, I have used things that I have had laying around the house.

I am feeling better and slowly starting to like myself again, because I chose to live and I want to be better for me and for my kids!

Hope everyone has a great day!
Til we meet again! Pam

I'm linkin' up today with Shell over at

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