What kind of family do you have?
Is it fun and loving?
Is it strong and supportive?
Is everyone close?
My family used to be all of the above. Well, I guess they still are
if I'm not around.
I don't know why we don't get a long anymore. I mean it is nothing new, it has been this way for quite a few years. And for the life of me, I cannot figure out the reason. I have talked to my mom about it and she cannot figure out why they are so mean to me. You have never done anything to any of them.
Do you have any idea how fun it is to go to family gatherings when nobody likes you? It isn't very fun at all. You go, you sit, no one talks to you. You try to get in on conversations and everyone acts like you are not even there. They are good with my kids and Mr. Hubbs, but not with me.
I can talk to 1 one sister (sometimes) and 1 brother (once-in-a-while), but only when none of the other brothers or sister or nieces are around. I Have 2 nieces that live with my parents and they only are civil with me when they want something.
Do you know what it is like to go visit your parents and you can't even have a private conversation with them, because their tenants (your nieces) have to be in on every conversation and discussion that goes on. I have wanted to talk to my mom about the problems with Princess Shaney, but not wanting the entire family to know what was going on. Finally, I just sent her an email and told her what was going on and what she was doing and what her friend had told me in that email.
A couple of days later, I went to mom's house and my niece said something about it. I asked her about it and she told me, g-ma let me read the email.
SERIOUSLY?!! Can I not have a private conversation with my mother?!
I don't like going on "family outings" with my family, because I can only spend so much time with them when they are all together. Sometimes I am invited but most times not.
I am getting pretty used to it. But it still hurts and it still makes me dislike them more. I think that the reason it hurts so much is, I have absolutely no idea what happened. When I ask what I have done to offend everyone, they just tell me, nothing. I am just getting to the point where I just want to stay away from all of them. I have even been thinking about even moving to a different state just to be away.
Maybe one day I'll figure things out.
Til we meet again! Pam
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