Why does life with Teenage Drama Queen have to be so difficult?
We have been trying for months to get Princess Shaney into a different
Jr. High. We found out yesterday that it was finally approved.
So this morning I called over to find out what we needed to do to get her
registered and get a class schedule. They said we would have to wait until
we got our letter from the district before we could get her enrolled and
registered. I knew it would be in the mail today, but we wouldn't be able to get there before they left for the day so I told them we would be in on Monday.
And then we have hair appointments Monday afternoon.
Her friend (Princess T.) and her family were going to California today and Princess Shaney asked me Wednesday night if she could go with them. I told her
if they weren't going to be back by Monday, then she couldn't go. Yesterday,
she told me Princess T's mom was going to call and talk to me about it. Nothing
more was said about until about 3:30 this afternoon. She asked again if she could go and told me they weren't coming home until Thursday. So, I told her no.
We have an appointment at the school & salon on Monday and she has her
counseling on Wednesday. OMG! You would have thought it was the end of the
She starts in on how I treat her like a baby all the time and I don't trust her anymore and I never let her do anything, and on. and on. and on....
I'm like, seriously, please tell me you are not going to do this again!
This went on about 1/2 an hour and then it was like done... Nothing more has
been said.
Usually, she is really quite good about things when I tell her "no", but when it is
something she wants super bad then it turns into major drama. Luckily, in the almost 2 months since she has come home from the treatment center, this is only
the second time she has done this, the first time was about 5 days after she came
home. So, I guess I shouldn't complain too much. Or maybe that is why I do complain, because it doesn't happen very much and when it does, it just hits
everyone wrong and then no-one is happy for a few hours after it ends.
But, can I just say how happy I am that I did not give in!!! Yippie for me! I am getting excited that I am not being her door mat anymore! And I am learning to
pick my battles and I think she is learning that and that is why the drama only lasts a 1/2 now and not hours like it did before.
Until We Meet Again! Pam
Friday, August 9, 2013
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Spoke Too Soon
Yesterday I talked about how I had been having a good week and how it made me feel when King Counselor told me I was doing a great job.
Well, 2 nights in a row Mr. Ex made me feel like I was the crappiest mother on
earth...or I should say he thinks I am the crappiest mother on earth.
Let me set things up for you a little...Prince Krusher is in Marching Band this
year. Well, this week has been band camp; They start at 8 a.m. and go until
8:30 p.m., we have to supply lunch and water for the day and they furnish dinner.
Well at 7:30, Wednesday morning, Prince Krush called and told me he had left his lunch at his dad's house and could I bring him lunch. I asked him what time and told him I would be there. About a 1/2 hour later he texted me and asked if I
could bring it sooner because he had no water and needed some. So, I hurried and fixed his lunch, grabbed about 4 bottles of water and ran it to him.
About 6 that night, Mr. Ex called just going right insane--Why didn't you come get his lunch and take it to him? I can't believe he has gone ALL day without food & water!!! REALLY?!!! Do you really think I would do that to my child?
12 hours with no food or water?! Please give me a break! I took him lunch!
Well what did you take him, since his is still here on the table? Why would I drive 10 miles out of my way to go to your house and get his lunch when I have everything for his lunch here at my house. Oh, that makes sense. No shit
Then today, he was at my house when Prince Kenard, Princess Shaney & I came
home from doing some shopping. Well he came to the back of my car where there was a brand new 39" tv in the back of it. He just starts going off, Oh I hope you haven't spent all that money and I really hope you have some to buy Prince
Krusher new school clothes! Again, REALLY?!! I hold up the 2 bags of clothes that I had just bought and then proceeded to inform him, I did not buy the tv,
Prince Kenard did with HIS money and it was his NOT mine!!!
I don't know why the hell he is so worried about whether or not the kids have new clothes for school or not, he doesn't pay for them.
I had gone to Nevada last weekend and had won just under $1000, I have not spent one dime on me, it has all gone on the kids to get them ready for school. That is exactly what I told Mr. Hubs when I won it, that now I knew how I was getting clothes for the kids for school.
I mean, there are a couple of things I wanted real bad and I looked and compared
prices and shopped around. Then, I decided if there was enough left over after school shopping was done, I would get 1 of the things I wanted. There was, but not enough to get the 1 thing I wanted the most. So I have stashed what was left and am going to start saving until I have enough to get the one thing I want the most...a new camera! The one I want is about $1,100. If I was the crappy mother he thinks I am, I could have take that money and got a new camera and made him buy school clothes, which never would have happened, they would have gone without before he bought them clothes. So, they have their clothes and I have to wait a little longer on my camera. But what is the big deal? I have been waiting for 2 years to get a new camera, another 2-3 months isn't going to kill me!
All that matters is they have new clothes and are ready to start school!
Until We Meet Again! Pam
Well, 2 nights in a row Mr. Ex made me feel like I was the crappiest mother on
earth...or I should say he thinks I am the crappiest mother on earth.
Let me set things up for you a little...Prince Krusher is in Marching Band this
year. Well, this week has been band camp; They start at 8 a.m. and go until
8:30 p.m., we have to supply lunch and water for the day and they furnish dinner.
Well at 7:30, Wednesday morning, Prince Krush called and told me he had left his lunch at his dad's house and could I bring him lunch. I asked him what time and told him I would be there. About a 1/2 hour later he texted me and asked if I
could bring it sooner because he had no water and needed some. So, I hurried and fixed his lunch, grabbed about 4 bottles of water and ran it to him.
About 6 that night, Mr. Ex called just going right insane--Why didn't you come get his lunch and take it to him? I can't believe he has gone ALL day without food & water!!! REALLY?!!! Do you really think I would do that to my child?
12 hours with no food or water?! Please give me a break! I took him lunch!
Well what did you take him, since his is still here on the table? Why would I drive 10 miles out of my way to go to your house and get his lunch when I have everything for his lunch here at my house. Oh, that makes sense. No shit
Then today, he was at my house when Prince Kenard, Princess Shaney & I came
home from doing some shopping. Well he came to the back of my car where there was a brand new 39" tv in the back of it. He just starts going off, Oh I hope you haven't spent all that money and I really hope you have some to buy Prince
Krusher new school clothes! Again, REALLY?!! I hold up the 2 bags of clothes that I had just bought and then proceeded to inform him, I did not buy the tv,
Prince Kenard did with HIS money and it was his NOT mine!!!
I don't know why the hell he is so worried about whether or not the kids have new clothes for school or not, he doesn't pay for them.
I had gone to Nevada last weekend and had won just under $1000, I have not spent one dime on me, it has all gone on the kids to get them ready for school. That is exactly what I told Mr. Hubs when I won it, that now I knew how I was getting clothes for the kids for school.
I mean, there are a couple of things I wanted real bad and I looked and compared
prices and shopped around. Then, I decided if there was enough left over after school shopping was done, I would get 1 of the things I wanted. There was, but not enough to get the 1 thing I wanted the most. So I have stashed what was left and am going to start saving until I have enough to get the one thing I want the most...a new camera! The one I want is about $1,100. If I was the crappy mother he thinks I am, I could have take that money and got a new camera and made him buy school clothes, which never would have happened, they would have gone without before he bought them clothes. So, they have their clothes and I have to wait a little longer on my camera. But what is the big deal? I have been waiting for 2 years to get a new camera, another 2-3 months isn't going to kill me!
All that matters is they have new clothes and are ready to start school!
Until We Meet Again! Pam
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
My Daughter's Counselor Made Me Cry, Today!
So, today was our seventh appointment with Princess Shaney's counselor. A couple of weeks ago, I had a tough time while we were there. We were getting ready to leave and he & I were talking about Prince Krusher and I was telling him how P.K. had told me he had been feeling depressed but he hadn't been thinking about self harm or suicide. So, asked the counselor about it and asked him what I was doing wrong as a parent that 2 of my kids were struggling with depression. He told me that it wasn't me, that it is chemical. Which I know that, but as a parent you don't look at it that way. When your kids have problems, you feel guilty and try to figure out what you could have done different.
Anyway, today, while Princess Shaney was in working on some things King Counselor came to the waiting area to talk to me. He says; You have the most awesome beautiful girl I have met in a long time. I told him; I know that. Then he says; Then quit being so damn hard on yourself! You have done a great job with her, considering you've done most of it by yourself. She has some issues that we are working through and she is doing great!
You have no idea how good that validation felt. No-one has ever told me I was a good mom, let alone I was doing a great job. I felt so good to hear that.
He also told me that when we go get registered for school, we need to talk to the school counselor about Princess Shaney starting a peer group a couple of days a month. So the kids that are having problems with depression, cutting, etc. have some place they can go and just hang out with other kids that have the same issues. If they want to talk, they have someone to talk to and if they don't want to talk, they can just hang out.
The next thing he told me was, he wouldn't be surprised if she went to college and became a counselor. Because that is what she likes. So, I asked her about that when we got home and she told me; yah I really think that is what I want to do. or be a nurse. That is the first time she has ever said what she wants to do with her life.
It has been a great week! Hope all of you are enjoying your week as much as I am enjoying mine!
Until We Meet Again! Pam
Linking up today with Shell over at Things I can't Say
Anyway, today, while Princess Shaney was in working on some things King Counselor came to the waiting area to talk to me. He says; You have the most awesome beautiful girl I have met in a long time. I told him; I know that. Then he says; Then quit being so damn hard on yourself! You have done a great job with her, considering you've done most of it by yourself. She has some issues that we are working through and she is doing great!
You have no idea how good that validation felt. No-one has ever told me I was a good mom, let alone I was doing a great job. I felt so good to hear that.
He also told me that when we go get registered for school, we need to talk to the school counselor about Princess Shaney starting a peer group a couple of days a month. So the kids that are having problems with depression, cutting, etc. have some place they can go and just hang out with other kids that have the same issues. If they want to talk, they have someone to talk to and if they don't want to talk, they can just hang out.
The next thing he told me was, he wouldn't be surprised if she went to college and became a counselor. Because that is what she likes. So, I asked her about that when we got home and she told me; yah I really think that is what I want to do. or be a nurse. That is the first time she has ever said what she wants to do with her life.
It has been a great week! Hope all of you are enjoying your week as much as I am enjoying mine!
Until We Meet Again! Pam
Linking up today with Shell over at Things I can't Say

Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Another Re-do
I got this bench about 3 years ago from my parents. They had had it for probably about 10 years. They were going to take it to the dump and I told them, no! I want it! So, I brought it home and it has been out in the weather for 3 years.
The boards were all breaking and my dad had bought some new ones to replace the old but never got around to putting them on. About a month ago, I decided it was time to get it cleaned up.
But, I decided I was going to put all new boards on it (does that still count as a re-do). I went to the Home Depot and bought the boards, brought them home had Mr. Hubs cut them down and then I sanded them. Princess Shaney and I went to Wal-mart to find some paint. I couldn't decide what color so she picked out a pink salmon. We came home, I painted the boards black and then the next day we painted them the pink. It was just the right shade for the black to show through without too much sanding.
And this is the finished project!
Isn't she pretty? I just love how she turned out and is the perfect color!
Hope you all have a great day!
Until We Meet Again! Pam
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