Sunday, February 26, 2012

Pretty good

So today was a pretty good day. I still feel like crap and I still have no energy, but all in all it was a good day. I did a couple loads of laundry, did dishes, showered and did my hair. Then the hubs & I went to Wally-world to get a few things. We were there maybe a 1/2 hour and I thought I was going to die. By the time we got back to the car, I had the worst headache & I thought I was going to pass out. Then we came home hoping the rain in Florida had stopped so we could watch the Daytona 500 on t.v. No such luck. It got rained out and will run tomorrow. That will be good cause then I can sit and watch it without any interruptions!
*I spent a lot of time on line today going through my "blogs follow" list trying to decide what I was keeping & what I wasn't. I found some new ones and read some past posts on ones I had kind-of been following. Got some real neat ideas for some projects that I have been wanting to do. Hopefully I can start on some of them this week.
*There is this new one that I found today and I laughed so hard I just had to share. You should really go check her out! Then, there is this one, that is very inspirational and brings everything back in to perspective. And this one has a lot of cool stuff and more blogs that I have been checking out.
*I hope everyone has had a great weekend!
Til we meet again! Pam

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